3 Digital Trends For Real Estate Agents In 2020

3 Digital Trends For Real Estate Agents In 2020

In this ever-changing digital world, thriving in the real estate business requires being up to date with the latest marketing trends in the industry.


Because of the high competition in the market today and this has pushed many real estate agents to be more creative in their marketing campaigns.

This is done to impress various home buyers above the competition.

In fact, according to the Association of Real Estate License Law Officials, United States of America has about 2 million operating real estate licenses.

So, the new trends help you to determine how you can improve your marketing efforts and keep on top of the industry.

This article will reveal to you 3 digital trends expected to dominate real estate marketing and their impact on your real estate business.

Here are 3 digital trends for real estate agents in 2020:

1. Video

High-quality real estate videos are dominating real estate marketing. This involves using drone footage or creating tour-style videos with well-staged, important photos of a property.

Real estate videos help in guiding home buyers on both the inside and outside look of a particular home of their interest without physically visiting the location.

Why You Should Consider Real Estate Videos

  • 26% of all realtors embrace drones to shoot property videos while 18% of all realtors plan to use drones in the future.
  • 36% of home buyers visit online video sites during their home search.
  • 50% of all home buyers from different generations found real estate video tours important as they looked for homes.

What Real Estate Videos Mean For Your Business

Videos provide your business with a golden opportunity to stand out from others and impress your customers. How? Real estate videos help you to answer most homebuyers’ questions by just providing the property videos.

More so, real estate videos help you to cement your business’s online presence and this exposes it to a variety of home buyers even out of your local area.

Here’s what I mean; the internet is a global marketplace and connects your business to the rest of the world.

Here are ideas you can tap to create high-quality real estate videos for your target audience:

  • Tour-style videos of well-staged, useful images of a property.
  • Videos of your team.
  • Annual, Quarterly, and monthly market updates of local housing.
  • Home search tips and tricks.
  • Open houses videos.
  • Customer testimonial videos.

2. Business Card Automation

Realtor business cards are important components of marketing for most of the realtor. However, business card automation helps in easing the business card designing and printing process for real estate agents.

It’s a trend that is continuing to dominate real estate marketing as it requires less time. And allows real estate agents to concentrate on other important issues in their busy schedule.

Why You Should Consider Business Card Automation

It saves a lot of time. Remember, time is crucial in today’s business world. And smart work leads to success because automating manual tasks saves time, money, and resources.

Furthermore, over 80% of top-performing businesses have ever used automation for more than 2 years and many are planning to use it soon. Thus, you shouldn’t be left out.

What Business Card Automation Means For Your Business

Centralizes Communication

Business card automation provides a centralized dashboard where all your team members can access files and other business information. This saves you from the confusion of different files on different devices because all are kept in a central place.

Defined Workflows

It allows you to put in place a set workflow for your real estate business that your team members must follow when they need to work on their business cards.

This promotes consistency in your real estate business card designs as it ensures that not a step is missed out of the designing and printing process.

3. Online Branding

As technology advances, building your real estate business’s digital presence is becoming more important.

And companies such as Zillow and Trulia have dominated the industry for years because of branding themselves online.

Thus, online platforms like agency and property listing websites and social media are important in real estate marketing.

As a matter of fact, according to a survey by Owners.com, 62% of home buyers revealed that they do property search online at least once every day. This is done to facilitate their home search and help them make the right purchase decisions.

Why You Should Consider Online Branding

  • Real estate-related Google searches grew by 253% from 2008 to 2012.
  • According to a survey by the National Association of Realtors, 80% of all home buyers use Facebook, 30% use YouTube, and 71% use LinkedIn.
  • Zillow.com was the dominant most visited website in the real estate category in 2018 with 533.3 million visits within its first 3 months.
  • The first step of 52% of home buyers is to search the internet.

What Real Estate Videos Mean For Your Business

Most buyers in today’s digital world expect to keep in touch with a real estate agent in no time at just a button click.
Thus, your business needs to be present online 24/7 across various platforms so as not to miss out on any client or lead.

Your business’s online presence wins home buyers’ trust as it assures them that they can always easily find your business if they need any help after purchase.

Take The Lead

To succeed in real estate marketing in 2020, you must embrace the new wave of marketing tactics in the industry. These help you compete favorably with other real estate businesses.

By the way, you can add the digital marketing trends to your current marketing tactics that have already worked for you. And spice them up.

On the other hand, you need to first understand your customers’ or target audience’s needs before employing new marketing trends. Let me explain; you should examine whether they will embrace the new trend.

And check whether it matches with your customers’ expectations from you.


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