Destinations to Escape to For Some September Fun

Destinations to Escape to For Some September Fun

If months of lockdown have heightened your sense of wanderlust, then it might finally be the time to get away and experience a new culture.

Of course, remaining as safe as possible is still top priority, but enjoying a slice of something special can be a big boost during these times.

The government has published an updating list of countries that you can visit without having to quarantine upon your return.

So if you’ve weighed up your financial options and it’s affordable, we’ve picked out some destinations to make the most of as the world opens up. 


Although tourism has returned to many popular destinations, the number of visitors naturally remains lower than usual.

As such, you could take in the sights and sounds of Rome, Milan or Venice without the usual hubbub.

That moment of clarity by the Trevi Fountain will now come more naturally, while the epic nature of Milan’s Duomo will reveal itself in full if you’re not being jostled by the crowds.

Similarly, some of those restaurants you’ve always longed to visit may finally have tables available. Buon appetito! 


So many of us have had to forego our usual summer holiday this year as plans have been thrown up in the air.

That doesn’t mean you need to go without the feel of sand in your toes and sun on your back, however. 

A trip to Greece offers sun, sea, sand, culture, great food – pretty much anything you could want from a trip away!

The rural nature of many parts of the country, which is made up of hundreds of islands, has played a role in Greece seeing fewer Covid-19 deaths than many other holiday hotspots on the continent.

The Netherlands

Amsterdam is one of Europe’s most culturally significant cities, and architecturally one of its most beautiful.

But how many times have you thought of making the short hop over the North Sea, only to be put off by the prospect of party-goers heading out there for the seedier side of the Dutch capital?

Well, now might be the time to get across to the ‘Venice of the North’ and enjoy it before the place is swamped again.Whether you’re a fan of art, cycling or boating, the chance to enjoy some calm and quiet in this historic city may never arise again!


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