Canada’s real estate market is one of the busiest and most turbulent industries throughout the country, with the continuous rise of supply and demand, along with the financial effects of these increases, such as climbing interest rates, leading to an overheated market in a state of panic. When it comes to residential real estate, this is even more true, as affordable housing continues to be the highest priority for most members of the Canadian public.
With the saturation of the market as high as it is and no real efforts to begin cooling it showing any major signs of progress so far, the responsibility falls on those with expert knowledge of Canada’s residential real estate industry to make decisions and come up with innovative solutions. Simon Kronenfeld, founder of AJGL group and real estate expert, is one of the few working to make active change in the state of the market in 2022 in order to bring the country back to a safer and more stable housing market.
Looking Back at 2021
As a whole, 2021 was an active and competitive year for Canada’s residential real estate market. Starting off the year overheated and showing no signs of slowing down as it entered 2022, the market broke records with the prices and amount of sales made over the course of the year as both supply and demand had nowhere else to go but continue rising, reaching new financial heights and placing a new level of strain on the economy.
As December turned into January and the new year began, the market continued to barrel on, showing no signs of slowing or retreating. However, some hope of cooling is starting to appear on the horizon, leading professionals in the industry with enough of a thorough understanding of the real estate market as Simon Kronenfeld to begin setting their sights on the chance for fruitful investment opportunities in Canada’s residential real estate market this year.
Investing in Residential Real Estate
With the ongoing momentum and intensity of the residential real estate market in Canada, many new opportunities are opening up, and those that have existed are becoming more viable with each passing day. As the public continues to struggle to find affordable housing, the gap in the market for a sustainable solution is becoming clear, paving the way for potential investors.
While an oversaturated market poses many challenges, the opportunities it opens for real estate experts and investors are boundless, especially in a market as hot and prosperous as Canada’s residential real estate market. New opportunities for financial growth bring with them new opportunities to make much-needed major changes to Canada’s real estate market, opening doors for an unprecedented integration between the housing market and Canada’s top investors.
A Shift in Priorities
Aside from investment opportunities, there are a number of other opportunities that the current state of Canada’s residential real estate market offers to the general public of applicants and those looking to move homes. One of the biggest of such opportunities is the shift in priorities between people searching for family homes to more and more of the Canadian public searching for vacancies in condos and apartment buildings.
As Canada’s workforce slowly begins to recover from the effects of the pandemic and take the steps to start returning to normal working life, more offices are reopening their doors and more workforces are migrating back into the office after several years of working from home. With this shift comes the demand for more housing closer to city centers and other industrial hubs, leading to the increasing popularity of denser, more urban housing opportunities back on the residential real estate market.