All You Should Know About Construction’s “Fatal Four”

All You Should Know About Construction's Fatal Four

Construction is a dangerous industry. Workers must have a high level of knowledge of site safety and should be aware of their surroundings while on the job. Although a few injuries every year are expected, some factors will contribute more than others. The Fatal Four is used in the construction industry to describe the most common causes of workplace fatalities. It consists of four leading causes. These account for over 75% of all deaths on construction sites each year. Here we will discuss the “Fatal Four” and offer some tips for prevention.

1. Falls

A construction worker can fall many ways, from an accidental trip on a step ladder, to a wet floor causing slippery conditions to be caught in a rotating machine. They are caused by the worker being distracted while performing a task or being careless. Protective systems often consist of booms, nets, and other similar devices that can protect workers from falls. Construction sites should always have a designated person in charge of OSHA, or an OSHA Safe Job Site Coordinator. They are responsible for communicating hazards to workers and preventing them from occurring on site.

2. Struck-by

Rolling, falling, swinging, or flying objects can injure or kill workers. The solution is to train workers to be aware of their surroundings and ensure that their employer properly maintains machinery. This way, the equipment has been inspected for dangerous defects and hazards. Workers should be able to identify potential risks in the work environment and manage them by acting as a warning system. Any heavy object being lifted, moved, or relocated should be handled by a knowledgeable worker with appropriate personal protective equipment.

3. Electrocution

Electrical accidents are caused by using improper equipment and user error. Proper training is needed when using any electrical equipment. Workers should be trained to handle any problem with the electrical source before starting a job. They should have the right tools and equipment and learn how to use them. Electrical devices should be inspected before being used on site, and the potential hazard should be determined. When working near power lines or electrical cables, workers should know the proper procedures for handling power outages and use a “Three-point-rule” or an “H-D-A” system to keep themselves safe.

4. Caught-In or -Between

Often, people can get caught in a pinch point. This is an area that has limited space. Being caught in these areas can cause serious injuries, including amputation, death, paralysis, or other forms of disability. Prevention starts with a plan on where to do the work and finding a way to reduce the number of pinch points. If a particular area becomes a problematic pinch point, you should avoid using it. There are situations where this is impossible. You will have to ensure that your machines and tools are in good working order at all times. Workers should keep their distance from machinery being operated by another person and not enter an area where someone may become trapped.

Construction workers must take safety seriously. They should have proper training, equipment, and procedures. You may be entitled to compensation if you are injured on the job. Contact an experienced construction site safety attorney to learn more about construction accidents. They will be able to help you receive the compensation and medical care you need and deserve.


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