Discounts, Quality, And Peace Of Mind: Choosing The Right Cord Blood Bank

Cord Blood Bank

As new parents, you need to prepare for the baby’s birth and consider its health considerations.

However, for many parents, saving a baby’s cord blood depends on the overall cost of the bank.

One question might strike you: whether to save their baby’s cord blood. To remove all your confusion, we have compiled some major insights about cord blood banking and how it will help you and your baby in the long run.

In this article, you will explore a range of facilities, types of banking options, discount facilities, and certain considerations to make while storing your child’s cord blood.

What Is Cord Blood Banking?

The umbilical cord connects a baby to its mother and is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells, which are great for treating any major disease.

So, some parents preserve the umbilical cord, and blood is discharged from the baby. The cord blood banking procedure is an attractive option for would-be parents.

According to professionals, the stem cell inside the cord blood helps treat more than 70 life-threatening diseases. Starting from leukemia to neurological disorders, it is a lifesaver for many diseases.

Types Of Cord Blood Banks

Below mentioned are two different places where you can opt to preserve the cord blood of your child.

1. Public Cord Blood Banks

The cord blood banks are non-profit centers where you can donate your child’s cord blood. In an emergency, any other child who is in need can use it for transplant purposes.

Thus, the banks are more affordable and can make cord blood available to anyone who needs it and for research purposes.

However, some public cord blood banks also accept direct donations of cord blood if a family member with a disease can be treated.

2. Private Cord Blood Banks

These cord blood banks are companies that store the blood and the stem for the family, the child, or their siblings. However, these banks charge for storage for personal use, and there is no guarantee that the blood will ever be used for anything.

One of the primary benefits of private cord blood banking is its personalized use and the convenience of storing the cord as long as you wish. Hence, private cord blood banks provide stems ready for use and can be instrumental in treating an ill child or family member.

Cost Of Private Cord Blood Banks 

Therefore, the initial processing charge can be about $1200 and rise to $2890. Similarly, you can also avail yourself of additional benefits of storing tissue, placenta, and cord blood by selecting a private cord blood bank. Our strongest recommendation would be AlphaCord who have a ton of regular discounts and promos on their services.

Along with the initial charge, you need to pay annual storage charges once a year, which will cost you approximately $150 to $4000 each year.

Cost Of Public Cord Blood Banks

The cost of storing cord blood in a public cord blood bank is free. Therefore, it is often considered a donation for a child or for an individual suffering from a life-threatening disease.

Things To Consider While Selecting Cord Blood Bank

If you are expecting a baby soon, many concerns will arise, and it is your responsibility to choose and prioritize.

Here are some of the considerations that you need to make, and they are:

  • Check the experience of the cord blood banks. This is because the number of blood units the center has for transplants reveals volumes about the success. 
  • Secondly, the stability of the cord blood bank unit should be considered. 
  • Another sign of a successful cord blood bank is the number of units they store for the clients.
  • On the other hand, another important consideration is whether the child’s stem cell will be viable for transplant. Bank units offer insurance programs and will aid when needed.

Summing Up

Therefore, the process that saves the blood is found inside the umbilical cord after the baby’s birth. Sometimes, the procedure can be expensive, and many of you might wonder if it is worth the investment.

Thus, the banking cord blood will offer you peace of mind irrespective of the cost involved. Sometimes, it might seem like a miracle, but cord blood banking has limitations.

So, select the best banking procedures and opt to safeguard your child’s health for future purposes.


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