3 Additions to Help Improve Your Parking Lot

3 Additions to Help Improve Your Parking Lot

You may not view your parking lot as being an integral part of your business, but it’s just as important, if not more. Think about it. Pulling into the lot is the very first impression customers have. 

If customers have a negative opinion of your parking lot, they likely will not return to patronize your business. That’s the unfortunate truth.

Let’s give them something to talk about, in a good way. These three simple things can improve your parking lot and have customers saying “thank you” while you’re saying “goodbye” to your empty parking lot.

1. Pave the Way

The first step to your lot upgrade is paving the way for your clients, literally. Remember, this is literally their first impression of your business.

Gravel is out and asphalt is in, folks. People appreciate a nice, solid, safe, paved public parking lot.

Not only is it safer by allowing more traction for foot and vehicle traffic, but it is so much cleaner. No more kicked-up dust when someone pulls in or out and it looks nice, too. 

Now you have to decide where to draw the line. Parking spot lines, that is.

2. Lines Mark the Spots

Show them the way. By painting distinct lines on your pavement, customers know just where to park and where not to park, too. This also allows you to get the most out of your lot size by properly placing the spaces.

When you don’t have marked spaces, customers become careless and you most certainly will lose out on valuable space.

Additionally, paint is used to mark handicap accessible spots, arrows for directions of travel, and other important guidelines.

Organize the chaos, so they say. 

Paint truly is the holy grail of outdoor tools, but as the sun sets the lines fade away.

Now what?

Guide them with the best of illumination.

3. Let There Be Lights

Parking lot lights are an investment that shows clients that you care about them and you want them to be safe. Lights provide sight when the sun goes down, but they also provide a sense of security for the same reason. 

Let’s take it one step further and talk type. LED parking lot lights are not only beneficial for those visiting your place of business, but they are extremely reliable, energy-efficient, and will last for many years to come. They’re a win-win!

When installing parking lot illumination, it is important to know how many lights for a parking lot of your size to ensure accurate coverage. Talk to the experts to determine location and quantity.

Perfected Public Parking Lot

Now you can take your newly acquired knowledge of small improvements that will make a big impact on your parking lot and run with it. The only thing left to do is if you live in Denver and most of your customers have the monthly parking Denver permit, you need to think of extra parking spots that you can add so there’s plenty of space in case they book online. Trust us, you’ll be hearing from customers for all the right reasons.

As always, check out our blog for all your business and real estate knowledge needs!


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