Have you heard? Moving is extremely stressful. Or, at least, it can be.
There are so many variables when it comes to moving, and one important aspect that you may forget about is decluttering your space.
Sure, you’ve got a packing plan, a transport plan, and a house and job secured, but have you thought about getting rid of the belongings that you don’t want to bring with you?
Downsizing what you bring can help keep you organized and save you money. Why bring things from one house to another when you don’t want them in the first place?
Keep reading to learn some top-notch decluttering tips that will get you on the move in no time.
1. Don’t Procrastinate
The more time you give yourself to declutter, the more likely you’ll be to do a thorough job. If you wait until the last minute, you’ll be much more likely to bring everything with you instead of taking the time to go through it all.
You probably have way more belongings than you think you do, and you’ll be surprised how much time it will take to sort it out. When getting started, make sure there is a convenient place to dispose of the trash, especially larger items like old furniture. That’s when you need a service like Butler Dumpster Rental to set up a container for your disposing of items.
Depending on the size of your house, you should start at least two months before your move. If you live in a larger home, you may want to start even six months out.
If you’re selling your house, a decluttered home will also make it easier to stage your home for potential buyers.
2. Start With What You Use Least
One of the best decluttering tips is to start with the rooms and categories that you use the least. This is especially helpful if you feel a bit resistant to giving up your items.
If you start with spaces such as your basement, closets, or garage, you’ll get in the practice of being able to tell what is valuable to you and what isn’t. It will help you to actually get rid of things instead of holding on to that 10-year-old broom that you just couldn’t get rid of before.
Starting with the rooms you use least will also not disrupt your daily life, which can become inconvenient.
As you get closer to your moving date, this will become inevitable, which allows you to go through those more used rooms then.
3. Use Piles
When looking for tips to declutter your home, one that you’ll find over and over is the rule of three.
For each room you go through, you’ll either want to put your items into three piles or three boxes: one for things you’ll keep, one for things you’ll through away, and one of the things you’ll donate or sell.
This will help you keep things organized, which, if you’ve ever decluttered a home, you know it can get much messier before it gets better.
You’ll also be able to visibly see how much you’re keeping and giving away, which could help you better mentally decide what is truly worth keeping.
4. Leave Momentos for Last
When you declutter your bedroom, you are bound to find memories that you will have difficulty giving away. This is completely normal, though it can stall the decluttering process a bit.
If you leave these for last, you’ll give yourself the time you need to properly look through these precious items to make those difficult decisions. Remember, you’ll have to give up some items with emotional value; this is unavoidable.
If you find yourself stuck down memory lane, try to bring yourself to your present and focus on your future move. This can help you decide what you want to bring with you in your current life, not just your past.
5. Check Expiration Dates
If you’ve ever cleaned a messy house, you’ve probably found tons of expiration dates.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are a very messy person. It’s easy to store things in our pantries or medicine cabinets and not use them for years. Everyone does it, so don’t feel ashamed if you can relate.
If you’re feeling uninspired and don’t know where to start with your cleaning process, one of the most useful tips to declutter your home is to go around and throw out everything that is expired.
You’ll be surprised how much weight this will take off your shoulders during the packing process, and it can be quite satisfying to see all of your old things disappear.
6. Arrange Donations Pickups or Dropoffs
Arranging donation pickups and dropoffs ahead of time can guarantee that you’ll be able to get rid of your stuff by your move date.
It can also give you peace of mind knowing that this part of your decluttering process is taken care of.
If you feel you need a little extra motivation to get started decluttering, scheduling this date will give you a deadline you need to follow, making it easier to focus and be more efficient with your time.
Use These Decluttering Tips Before You Pack
While moving can be a stressful process, utilizing these decluttering tips before you pack can make it a breeze. Get rid of everything that you know you won’t use or is expired, and go from there.
You’ll be so glad you did when you realize you have so much less to pack!
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