Can’t Wait for Christmas to Come Around? 10 Ways to Pass the Time

Can’t Wait for Christmas to Come Around? 10 Ways to Pass the Time

The second the air starts to get cooler, you might already find yourself humming Christmas tunes. But not so fast- there’s still a good month or few before you can start truly celebrating without driving your family, friends, and co-workers insane.

If you find yourself in the latter category, not to worry. Below are some things you can do while you wait for your favorite holiday to arrive once again.

1. Craft Your Own Christmas Decorations This Year

It’s fun going out and purchasing ready-made Christmas decor. But it can be more affordable and funner being able to make & personalize your own! Plus, when you have extra time on your hands, this is the perfect opportunity to get crafty.

2. Test Out New Christmas Cookie Recipes

There’s nothing wrong with sticking to the same holiday cookie recipe year after year. Traditions matter! But sometimes, you just want to switch it up or add an additional cookie recipe to your dessert lineup. Now is the time for experimentation.

3. Start Setting Aside Extra Money

Christmas is a great holiday for giving and receiving, but it certainly isn’t cheap. That said, the sooner you begin saving for this holiday, the better. Go out to eat less, buy fewer indulgences for yourself, and start saving & counting all that change lying around your house.

4. Donate or Sell Things You No Longer Need

With gifts headed your way soon, you’re going to need to make room for them. Start by clearing your closet of clothes you no longer like, wear, or fit in. Go through personal belongings and home decor that just seems to be collecting dust. Have a yard sale, sell on an online marketplace, or donate your old stuff!

5. Fill Your Calendar with Christmas Events

Christmas plays, holiday-themed running events, Christmas marketplaces- these are all things you won’t want to miss this time of year. Be sure to put them on your calendar, so you don’t forget!

6. Put Up Your Tree Early (But Minus the Christmas Ornaments)

You know you want to put that Christmas tree up! But you know it’s too early. Who said you had to decorate it all Christmas-y now? Put up the tree, but for now, keep it decorated with autumn decor to allow you to enjoy the “now” while embracing the holiday yet to come.

7. Enjoy All The Holiday Drinks As Long As You Can

There’s nothing better than sipping on peppermint hot chocolate or apple cider on Christmas Day. However, why wait? Start now, so you can spend a few months enjoying the great, cooler-weather drinks available to you.

8. Volunteer to Help the Needy

The fall and winter are some of the best times to volunteer. Many nonprofits need help supplying items to keep the homeless warm, gathering food for Thanksgiving or Christmas meals for the needy, or helping collect Christmas gifts for kids in the foster care system.

9. Start Constructing Your Christmas To-Do List

We wait so long for Christmas to come. Yet, it seems to sneak up on us quickly when we’re feeling frazzled. So, it’s time to start writing out your to-do list now to avoid any stress- gatherings you might be attending, flights you may have to catch, holiday-related tasks you might need to have done, and so on.

10. Schedule a Christmas Light Installation Appointment Now

The closer Christmas comes, the harder it will be to find a company that is able to come out and install Christmas lights for you. That said, get a permanent Christmas lights appointment set up now to avoid any appointment delays or cancellations!


Waiting for Christmas to arrive can feel like you’re waiting for all eternity. The good news is that you won’t be waiting forever, and your favorite holiday will return faster than you know! In the meantime, finding ways to pass the time like the latter can make the grueling wait much more enjoyable.


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