Erosion Control Tips for Commercial Property Managers

Erosion Control Tips for Commercial Property Managers

Erosion is one of the most notable challenges in the construction industry. Erosion is not only an eyesore on the landscape but can compromise the integrity of your structure. Erosion is also a culprit for clogging waterways and can cause damage to nearby structures.

With these far-reaching adverse effects, property managers can’t afford to ignore soil erosion on or around their premises. If you’re a property manager, you’ll need to keep an eye on the below tips to alleviate the soil erosion that can wreak havoc on your construction site or personal property. 

Tips for soil erosion control

The causes of soil erosion vary. To that end, which preventive measures you’ll employ will depend on the root cause of soil erosion. For general tips on how to mitigate and prevent soil-erosion-related damage, you can adopt the strategies below. 

Erosion control blankets

Use erosion control products, such as erosion blankets, to stabilize your property’s soil and avert mudslides. For short-term purposes, you could use biodegradable blankets. If you’re searching for long-term solutions, long-lasting erosion control blankets are also available for purchase. 

Before installing, note that these erosion control blankets are more effective on slopes (whether gradual or steep) and specifically alleviate erosion stimulated by either wind or water. To increase durability, you can purchase erosion blankets with single or double netting.


Tackifiers are used as an adhesive to bond materials such as mulch, ultimately preventing soil erosion. These chemical compounds help in stabilizing the soil and come in handy in areas with emerging vegetation. Because tackifiers promote adhesive stickiness, nearby vegetation can flourish and enjoy optimal growth. 

Tackifiers are ideal for short-term use, and you can use them on different slopes and soil types. Experts endorse the use of tackifiers, as these soil stabilizers prevent the disruption of seeds and counteract the effects of soil erosion. 

Sediment control

Poor soil drainage results can dislodge sediments on your property. To divert water and reduce the velocity of water runoff, use wattles on slopes or hilly terrain. Be sure to pair wattles with erosion blankets to ensure your current erosion control strategy’s success, as these erosion blankets can firm up soil that’s collected at the base of a slope.

Other techniques you can use to control sediment is the use of silt fencing and filter socks. While silt fencing can collect sediment-heavy run-off, it doesn’t act as a long-term erosion control solution, as these fences are poorly-maintained and poorly constructed. Filter socks similarly contain sediment runoff while offering customers an eco-friendly solution. Unfortunately, these filter socks tend to overflow and demand routine cleaning. 


Mulch is any material that provides coverage to the soil. Mulch, whether organic or inorganic, reduces soil erosion by:

  • Decreasing the impact of raindrops on the soil
  • Reducing the speed of a runoff
  • Improving the porosity of the soil
  • Increasing water infiltration, which makes the soil firm


Most commercial properties have impermeable hardscape materials, such as concrete. These materials increase the flow of water, contributing to erosion. To minimize soil erosion’s effects, consider introducing plant life and native grasses to your landscape. The foliage reduces the speed of water and protects soil from the impact of rain and wind.

Avoid disturbing the soil

Before and after the construction of the property, avoid significant excavations around the building. Excavations loosen soil, leading to soil erosion. The results? The emergence of dangerous and unsightly gullies around the property.

Final thoughts

Soil erosion control aims to keep the topsoil intact to maintain the overall structure of the soil. Controlling soil erosion is vital before construction, as it allows construction workers and homeowners alike to maximize each square foot of land. Control is also essential after construction, given that it protects your property and adjacent structures from damage. As a commercial property manager, you could implement the above tips and tricks to manage costly soil erosion. Where unsure, consult the experts, and consider investing in their services.


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