Find Out A Few Things About Cedar Shakes And Shingles

Find Out A Few Things About Cedar Shakes And Shingles

You get numerous roofing materials, such as asphalt, metal, tiles, and more. But wood options that enjoy a unique place in this space, being around for 100 years starting from medieval Europe, stand out from the rest. European settlers brought the trend of wood roofs to North America. Trees’ low cost and easy availability at that time boosted their popularity. While it may be a little expensive today, using organic materials like wood can have many advantages. You can use spruce, fir, pine, redwood, and cypress shingles. But one clear winner among them is cedar. Others may need custom orders.

Certified Roofing of Newton can help with wood roofing like cedar shingles if you need help. Nevertheless, cedar roofs are traditional choices for their decay and insect resistance abilities. Durability is also a hallmark. Cedar shingles demonstrate uniform shapes on the edges as one can even out the sides. Shingles will typically be thin. If you are bored of the old roof or it has become damaged, you can choose cedar roofing to give your home’s exteriors a natural aesthetic touch. Since it’s an organic material, each piece will bear a distinctive personality. You can use cedar roofs on any modern, rustic, or traditional architecture. Depending on your taste, you can stain or paint the shingles to create a desirable overall look. If you want to control your energy cost by insulating your house more efficiently, this can help.

A few considerations

Cost and building code are two significant areas that need to tick your checkbox. If your city’s building code permits using wood roofs, you can stick to your decision. But it means you are ready to spend a little more because it’s a premium material. For its extended life, you may want to treat the surface. Of course, material costs will vary based on the quality. Still, a ranch-style home with a 1,700 sq. ft roof and one story can cost around $4-7.5 USD per sq ft. The total cost should be around $8,500 to $12,750. The reason behind higher pricing can also be the complex installation process. There will also be a cost to dismantle the old roof, which can be $2 per 3.5 per sq ft.

The major relief points

Wood’s nature and disintegration influence your roofing structure’s life expectancy. Still, you can expect them to serve you for about 20 to 30 years with careful maintenance. It can be an excellent match for your eco-friendly lifestyle. Cedar comes from sustainable forests in the US and other countries. Due to this, the carbon footprint is significantly less. However, like any wood material, cedar is susceptible to moisture and fire issues. Mills use rescued logs to create shakes and shingles. Since idle trees affect the health of the forests, responsibly harvesting them is a way to maintain the green patches.

Installing a safe and beautiful roofing structure is an integral part of the home restoration project. Your roof can determine the energy cost of your house. Plus, it keeps you and your building safe. So, it pays to give your roof some special attention and hire the best talent for this work.


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