Hunting for an apartment with a canine often implies one thing: locating a dog-friendly apartment you can reside in at ease. However, before packing your moving boxes, you’ll want to first research if the apartment has got pet regulations, pet licensing fees, and any other regulations that could hinder you and your dog from securing the house of your dreams.
Don’t allow these bottlenecks to put you off. If you’ve pinpointed a good apartment – the ideal size and ideal location – and you discover that pets aren’t allowed, you may sway your prospective landlord to allow your furry friend to live with you. Nevertheless, it’s often less complicated and easier to just relocate to an apartment building that accepts pet owners. In this building, you’ll find amenities that are suited to your furry friend and other pet owners in the apartment, such as secluded meetup areas. Here are some factors to take into consideration when searching for a dog-friendly building, according to Canadian business, Boardwalk Apartment Rentals.
1. Seek Apartment Referrals
If you own a dog, chances are that you’ve got coworkers or friends who also own dogs. This means that they can assist you in locating apartments with pet-friendly regulations. Once you have pinpointed the top apartment buildings to take into account, book a showing every time a unit becomes vacant. Scavenging apartments could be challenging, but it is necessary to find as many choices as possible. This way, you can compare which apartment works best for you and your pets. Many tips on dogs and cats would say that the home environment can affect their physical, mental, and emotional state.
You should note that although you may have a compiled list of prospective pet-friendly buildings, you’ll find some with size or breed limitations. Before getting your hopes high, make sure that you conduct your research properly first! If you don’t know anybody in your locale, enter a social platform and check whether you can receive a suggestion from other pet owners in the social group.
You may also want to consult with a local realtor for assistance. Even though you are only searching for rental units, they may be in a position to give you a list of pet-friendly apartment suggestions. What’s more, make a point of consulting with your local Humane Society. They should be able to provide you with dog-friendly apartment info you can utilize in your quest.
2. Local And On-Site Amenities
Locating an apartment complex that accommodates your furry friend is the first obstacle; locating one that provides resources your pet can use is the second snag. Among the top creature comfort amenities, you’ll want is an area your dog can sleep and do its business, like a nearby park, dog run, or something similar.
Having dog-friendly amenities on-site is of tremendous help, especially when you are limited on time to take your dog out, or there’s poor weather, and you’re not willing to go out. Other local treats and conveniences may encompass restaurants that accommodate pets, dog-grooming establishments, and hiking trails.
3. Create A Pet Resume
Suppose you have located the ideal apartment complex that suits both you and your dog, but you come to find that there’s stiff competition to secure the unit. In this case, you should approach your rental application as if it’s a job application, and draft a resume for your pet.
Here’s what we mean: If you and your furry friend have resided somewhere else and have never experienced an issue, then check whether your previous landlord would put in a recommendation for your canine. This mainly shows that your dog is well-behaved, as you imply. Evidence of vaccination is also advantageous to include in your pet’s resume, along with evidence of obedience training.
4. Don’t Forget Pet Fees
This factor can be a bit of a bother, especially if you’re not aware of this additional charge. Searching for a pet-friendly building is usually accompanied by a deposit or licensing charge of some kind. It is all contingent on the town or city you are staying in.
These charges can contrast in terms of cost and even in terms of if you’ll get compensated when you decide to relocate to a different place. In other instances, a landlord will state the costs are a must to cater to the costs of cleaning the unit post-lease termination, while some landlords will be more understanding and reimburse the funds to you.
You may be in a position to talk down this charge, particularly if you can offer your landlord your pet’s resume, indicating that your furry friend won’t poop on that new carpeting in your rental space and that it won’t bark at every sound provocation.
5. Learn the Building Rules
Before you undersign the fine print, make sure that you understand the rules & regulations of the building so that you and your furry friend know what line to tow. Much in the same manner as speaking to present residents provides you with a picture of what to expect. Check whether you can touch base with a present tenant who also owns a dog and get to know what insight that person will impart.
After getting first-hand info on what it’s like to reside in the building with a pet, and you still want that unit, just put everything down in writing. Jotting down essential information regarding your pet, like their size, name, and breed will assist in ensuring that your landlord can’t alter the agreement midway through the lease. Make sure to store this info in an unforgettable and secure place.