Are you afraid that your aging home has some unforeseen dangers in it? Do you worry each night that certain aspects of the house are causing health problems for your family?
The truth is that many different dangers could be hiding inside your home. Things such as mold and water damage can lead to severe problems for your health, your home, and your finances.
It’s important to know what these dangers are and how to identify them. See below for several signs of a damaged house and what factors you might be dealing with as a result.
1. Mold
One of the most dangerous things that might be lurking inside your home is mold. It can cause breathing problems for your entire family and will continue to grow and spread until it’s dealt with.
Mold is caused when moisture is locked into tight spaces. One such scenario is when water sneaks in between the walls of your home and sits stagnant.
To be clear, there is always the potential for mold growth in any home. As long as moisture is stuck in a confined space, there’s a chance it will happen.
The trick is to eradicate it as soon as you see any signs of mold. Using things such as chlorine bleach and hydrogen peroxide will help you scrub away any visible mold.
However, you’ll want to contact a mold removal contractor to investigate inside the home and ensure mold isn’t growing where you can’t see it.
2. Termites
Termites are among nature’s top unwanted and unwelcome pests inside a home. Once they’ve made their way into your house, they’re very difficult to exterminate.
What’s worse is that, as long as they’re in your home, they can perform some serious damage to your property. These bugs are known for their ability to chew through wood and lay waste to your foundation as a result.
The process of exterminating them requires a mixture of sealing off their exit points, spreading termite poison around your property, and taking extra steps to ward them off in the future.
If you have any reason to believe there are termites inside your home, be sure to get call an exterminator right away. The longer you ignore them, the more damage they’ll do to your home.
3. Foundation Cracks
Contrary to popular belief, the foundation of your home is bound to shift and move from time to time. That’s not the issue. The issue is when you start to notice foundation cracks around the base of your home.
The cracks in your home will let in water and, as previously mentioned, moisture into the unwelcomed air.
If you see cracks you’ll want to use hydraulic cement to patch them up. If you notice that mold is growing inside or around the cracks, then contact a professional right away.
Before you seal up the crack(s) in your foundation, you’ll want to ensure there isn’t any lingering mold inside.
4. Dirty Air Filters
One of the most ignored tasks in all of homeownership is the duty of frequently changing out the air filters. It’s the simplest thing, but it requires you to make a conscious effort to do so.
Not changing them out often enough will put unnecessary stress on your entire HVAC system. The dirtier the air filter is, the harder the AC unit has to push to circulate air through.
This can cause your entire system to overheat and promptly shut off as a result. Even worse, it can lead to you paying thousands of dollars for a replacement.
If you’re trying to find ways of better remembering to switch it out, just associate it with whenever you pay your rent/mortgage.
For example, if you pay your mortgage on the 1st of every month, pay the mortgage and then immediately walk to your HVAC unit and switch out the filter. This will become like second nature to you in only a few months.
5. Compromised Deck/Porch
Have you ever wondered why your local city has so many codes and regulations for how to build your deck? These rules are to ensure the structure and foundation of the deck are as safe as can be.
Decks are notoriously dangerous, especially if they’re higher than ground level. Every once and a while, be sure to walk around your deck and check for missing nails, wobbly deck boards, wobbly railings, and signs of carpenter bees or termites.
You’ll also want to pay close attention to the nails or screws to make sure none are sticking up out of their position. One wrong step could lead to a foot puncture and an infection.
6. Appliances in a Close Vicinity
With all the different kitchen appliances that you might have, one of your biggest struggles will be finding the counter space for them.
You might find it annoying to constantly store away kitchen appliances that you use frequently. To try and prevent this, you place them too close to one another.
Doing so is dangerous for yourself, your kids, and your home. The more appliances that are closer together, the higher chance of them starting a fire.
Avoid a Damaged House By Avoiding These Hidden Dangers
Now that you’ve seen several hidden dangers to avoid, it’s time for you to start prioritizing how to dodge living in a damaged house.
If you see several signs of home damage, be sure to reach out to water and fire restoration experts in order to fix those issues. This will ensure that you and your family are as safe from any emergency situations as possible.
Also, be sure to browse our website for more articles on home dangers, as well as many other helpful topics.