How to Build an Energy-Efficient Home – 6 Practical Tips Straight From the Pros

How to Build an Energy-Efficient Home - 6 Practical Tips Straight From the Pros

Are you looking to maximize the investments that you make in your house? The only way to do that is by making it as energy-efficient as possible.

In today’s world, there are so many different ways to make your home more energy-preserving.

It all starts with researching and learning about different methods to do so. With so many options to choose from, how can you be sure you’re buying the right ones?

Here are several practical ways to build energy-efficient homes that will help you get the most out of your home and reduce your carbon footprint. Be sure to consider each method outlined below.

1. Invest in Solar Panels

Solar panels are the way of the future. They take the radiation from the sun and turn it into conservable energy for your entire house to run on. This will help you cut the costs of your electric bill and improve your quality of life simultaneously.

It all starts by scheduling an energy efficiency expert to visit your home for an inspection. Once they’ve toured your home, they can list all the different ways to maximize your energy.

Investing in solar energy is a risk-free investment for your home. It allows you the opportunity to rid your home of different ways that it leaks out energy. In fact, you’ll reach a point where the money you save will be a profit for you, rather than a monthly bill you have to pay.

For more information on solar energy, be sure to click here and discuss your options with energy efficiency experts.

2. Plant More Trees

Trees offer several benefits to both your home’s energy and the environment around you.

One of the best ways to conserve the energy of your home is to plant more trees around your yard. Start by going around your house and making a mental note of which rooms get the hottest. Odds are that those rooms are the ones that get the most exposure to the sun throughout the day. Because of that, your AC unit has to work overtime to keep the room as cool as you desire.

Now, go outside of those “hot spots” and look at all the different places that you could plant a tree to provide shade for it.

Be sure to consider the height that the tree will have to be/become in order to keep that room as cool as can be.

3. Use Windows and Doors with Extra Insulation

Whether or not you realize it, the windows and doors of your home are some of the biggest energy wasters in its entire layout.

The cold air and hot air blow inside and outside the house almost at will, leaving you to pay the price for it each month. If you were to invest in doors and windows with more insulation, then you would witness your energy bill go down each month.

Be sure to scan the market and find different windows and doors that would be less of a detriment to your energy-saving endeavors.

4. Make Sure Everything is Sealed Tight

Even a crack or two inside your house can lead to major energy wasting. It can also spell disaster by inviting unwanted pests into the house.

Perhaps the ventilation in your doors and windows isn’t the problem, it’s the fact that they don’t seal shut effectively.

Try to think of any places in your home where little cracks could be letting air inside and outside of your house. This is common in doors, windows, kitchens, bathrooms, and places that were recently remodeled.

5. Change Your Air Filter Each Month

One of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make is not changing the air filters often enough.

It falls into the “out of sight, out of mind” category of homeownership, which can lead to some expensive repairs and monthly bills. When the air filter gets too dirty, the HVAC system is forced to work twice as hard to regulate its airflow. Because it’s working too hard, the system can overheat and lead you to pay for a replacement if you’re not careful. Even if the system doesn’t overheat, your energy costs will skyrocket because the system was forced to work way harder.

A helpful reminder is to replace the filter every time that you pay your mortgage each month. You can also use subscription services on Amazon to have a set of filters sent to your home every few months to ensure you never run out.

6. Use LED Lights

Light-emitting diode lights (LED lights) can be a saving grace when it comes to lowering the amount of energy you spend each month.

While the bulbs might be a bit more costly upfront, they last way longer than incandescent bulbs and require far less energy to power. Not to mention that they bring pleasant, white-shaded lighting to your home, rather than the yellow-lighting that many people cringe at. Better yet, they can be used for any light fixture that you have in your house, saving you many trips to the store to buy new ones.

Build Energy-Efficient Options for Your Home Today!

Now that you’ve seen several different ways to build energy-efficient homes, it’s time for you to start down that path.

Remember, this project is a marathon, not a sprint. Be sure to start with one project, see how it affects your energy expenditure, then move on to the next project.

Be sure to browse our website for more articles on energy-efficiency, as well as many other helpful topics!


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