When it comes to seeking help—you would always hope and expect the best from people in any aspect of life, right? It does not matter whether it is in your workspace or at home, if someone offers help to you, they are expected to do it the right way. However, there are many instances where you will find that such helping hands are nothing but deceivers in disguise.
This applies to almost the majority of workforces operating in society. It is, therefore, imperative for you to identify and understand the nature of such deceivers and know how to deal with them professionally. In this article, we will be specifically discussing this with context to deck and fence contractors required to help us build our workspace or house.
Signs of bad deck and fence contractors
You should be extremely aware of your choice or selection of decking and fencing contractors. There are hundreds of unlicensed contractors roaming out there who will never complete their contract; they will make sure that you pay them their part before they can disappear. Following are the signs you can be aware of while conversing with a decking and fencing contractor:
Frequently reports trivial repairs to you
You will never know your fence or deck had so many repairing issues that need to be solved before you bump into a bad fencing and decking contractor. He will cunningly manipulate you, making it look like you are currently living in a dangerous situation. Most people fall for their traps because they are not aware of such bad contractors. You should definitely check out the Austin Fence & Deck Company – Repair & Replacement for a trustworthy experience.
Avoids your calls/messages/e-mails
Soon after you have started your contract by making the required payment, he will stop answering your calls, e-mails and messages. There will be absolutely no trace of your contractor. You should not be puzzled or confused because this is a way they make their money. Hence, you need to be smarter than them to handle the situation.
Does not assure you any paperwork
He will never make you sign any official contract papers because they don’t have any! They will also never show you their state’s license or any formal and legal document. It will feel and look superficial, and that is your cue. If he avoids presenting legal documents, take a back step right there.
How can you deal with such unprofessional contractors?
Collect evidence of their poor workmanship
The first thing you should do on experiencing a lack of help or assistance from your contractor is collect evidence of everything related to their job. You can take images of the condition of the deck or fence and tally it with a before-after picture and the list of unanswered calls, texts or e-mails.
Complain about them to the contractor’s office
Having taken the evidence, you should straight away head to the contractor’s office and present the same before them. Ask them how you can file a complaint against the contractors so that they can take action. You may also ask them to visit the job site in order to inspect the condition. This will possibly be of much help.
Post a detailed review on their business platform
Simultaneously, it is vital to voice up and let others know about such contractors. If you have access to their business platform or any public platform, use that to post your review on the job quality. This will also reinforce your filed complaint, and you will plausibly receive the necessary help at the earliest.
Concluding remarks
The importance of a decking and fencing contractor cannot be stressed enough when repairing or building a new house. But at the same time, the awareness you require before appointing or paying any such contractor should also be considered well. Remember these pointers, and you should be good!