Every single vintage décor can benefit from the addition of antique lamps. They are very useful when it comes to bringing coziness and light to rooms while the classic décor of the room is perfectly complemented. The problem is that the way in which you take care of an antique desk lamp is very important. If you make a mistake, the lamp can easily be damaged.
Assess Materials
The antique lamps can be made out of various materials. This ranges from glass and tapestry to metal and wood. Proper care is all about first knowing exactly what the materials are. For instance, the brass lamp needs much more different care procedures than wood.
When you cannot identify specific materials, just investigate the antique lamp. It might be linked to an artist or a manufacturer. If this link is established, it is very easy to find out information about construction materials.
Separately Clean Materials
After you identify the used parts, you need to learn how to polish and clean it. As an example, you can easily clean silver with the use of a soapy, hot water solution. You can remove tarnish when you utilize modern cleaners because avoid harsh cleaners can damage the item.
Be Careful When You Clean Antique Lamps
If you want to maintain antique furnishing, you need to create a balance between delicate care and cleaning power. Start everything by taking the lamp apart. Do it as much as you can and make sure that you place absolutely all pieces on a hard, secured surface. Write down part locations before you remove them. For instance, with a chandelier, the process can be laborious, although it is necessary since glass pieces and crystals have to be protected.
Before you start to clean the antique lamp, you need to gather the necessary supplies to do it. This allows you to speed up the process, which in turn helps you to protect the antique lamp. At the same time, there is a higher possibility that you will not end up with a part that is un-maintained.
Fix All Problems Early
When you take care of antique lamps, it is important to inspect them so that you can look for problems. With the lamps, the inspection needs to include all condition issues and the possible mechanical problems. If you get to damage the lamp’s covering or structure, this can be irreparable.
As a very simple tip, look for signs that moisture or rust issues are present on the lamp’s placement. Also, see if fading appeared because of the effect of sunlight. Simple actions like just turning fabrics away from a light source will help you to avoid damaging problems.
Hire Professionals
Last but not least, if you have any doubts about whether or not you will be able to properly clean the antique lamp, the best thing you can do is to hire professionals. Specialists can guarantee that the antique lamp will not be damaged during cleaning. Also, you might receive important care tips that have to be respected in the future.