One of the biggest concerns in the real estate industry is, of course, what to do to make your property as appealing as possible to potential buyers. Naturally, this includes adding that second coat of paint, polishing the floors, and keeping your attic free of pest damage. This is one of the first things potential buyers will look at when purchasing a new home – the pest status. Is it in a heavily affected area? What pests are more common around these parts? And of course, what measures have been taken to protect the home from potential pest invasions.
So here’s what you, as the property owner, can do to keep your property safe from major pest damage.
Why particularly the attic?
In this article, we’re focusing foremost on the attic, since that’s one of the most common areas of the home where you find pests. Finding squirrels in the attic is one of the most common sightings for any property owner, as is encountering bats, raccoons, opossums, or of course, rats. So naturally, the area you’ll want to focus most will be the attic.
First things first, do your research
One of the most important steps is understanding the dangers around your attic. Why wild animals are attracted to it, what potential weak spots make it more likely to be invaded, and what animals are most likely to enter your attic. Visit atticnoises.com to learn more about animals in the attic, and what you can do to prevent them.
Clean up regularly
The main reason why animals are flocking to your attic is it’s the least inhabited room in the home, and usually the messiest, with most property owners using it for storage. By regularly cleaning your attic, you cut down the hiding spaces for wild animals, and so make it less likely to be invaded.
Inspect and fix any potential entry points
Yes, wild animals are a big concern for property owners, but only if they have a way to enter the home. Usually, a wild animal will require a hole, crack, missing shingle or something of that nature to squeeze its way into your home. So it’s your job as the property owner and potential seller of the place to regularly inspect the property (walls, roof, window structure, etc.) against these types of entry points, and fix them as swiftly as possible.
Cut down potential food sources
One of the main attractions of your home is the open food source. This can be crumbs, leftovers, trash cans, and so on – it really depends on the wild animal in question. But it’s your job, as the property owner, to remove all food sources, thus making your property as undesirable as possible (funny, right? It’s usually the other way around).
Clean your property regularly and store leftovers and other foods in airtight, secure containers which don’t offer easy access, and you’ll see the wildlife population cut down significantly.
Call a professional
By far the easiest and most efficient method for preventing wildlife on your property is to call a professional wildlife removal service, like Mighty Men Wildlife Trapping. Wildlife removal professionals can swiftly inspect the home and understand what’s attracting wild animals to it, and why you’re having this sort of problem to begin with.Not only that, they will remove the wild animal, as well as fix the entry point and damage caused by it. This will restore your property to its initial value on the market, and if you stick to the professional’s advice on prevention, that’s where it’ll stay.