Prepare For Your Cross-Country Move With This Comprehensive Checklist

Prepare For Your Cross-Country Move With This Comprehensive Checklist

Moving to a new residence across the country can be exciting, yet a bit of a challenge because of the complexity of international relocation. Also, the expenses can be enough to throw you into a state of anxiety, from paying movers to get your vehicle moved, to having your other belongings transported.

Unless you have to move due to an emergency, it will take a few months to plan and budget for you to move across the country, as such, the process can be tedious. On that note, here is how to prepare adequately for your cross-country move using a comprehensive checklist.

Start Early 

The best thing to do when moving is to start preparing and planning early. A period of at least two months is sufficient to plan for your move.

Use this time to sort your belongings, and decide if you’re going to use moving professionals, or get help from family and friends. It’s also a good time to figure out the best mode of transportation for you.

If you plan to catch a flight while you send your belongings by ship, it’s best to book your flight early, at least two months before you want to leave, to take advantage of cheaper prices.

You can also use this period to create a moving checklist to take note of, and mark as completed, every task you need to sort out for your move when you leave. This will reduce stress, and help you become more organized and efficient.


When packing, one simple way to cut down on travel costs is to go through your closet, cabinets, stores, and shelves and take out things that you don’t need or want anymore. You can trash, sell or donate books, clothes, shoes, kitchen utensils, home appliances, wedding gifts, or worn-out furniture to reduce the weight of your shipments.

You can separate these items into the “trash,” “donate,” and “sell” boxes. Organizing a garage sale on websites like Craigslist or Facebook marketplace is a fast way to get rid of some of these items.

Don’t forget to attach a tax receipt to the items you donate so that you can write off the donation on your tax return.

Arrange Important Documents 

While sorting your belongings, put together important documents like birth certificates, driver’s licenses, security cards, and passports of you and your kids (if you have any). It is safer to take these documents along with you and not with your other belongings that will be shipped ahead of you.

Go through them over and over to ensure that you’re not leaving anything out, you can also make a list and cross them out as you put these documents together. This will help keep you organized on the move day, instead of looking for a document that should have been packed beforehand.

Search For Out-Of-State Movers and Compare Rates

If you decide to hire professionals to help you move, you need to find the best deals that cut down expenses, and you need to find them early.

Offerings, pricing, and special deals are peculiar to each moving company. Ensure to visit at least two to three out-of-state movers in the USA to compare quotes before hiring the best option for the job.

You can book months or weeks ahead to ensure proper planning of your move by movers. This time will help them plan out how they will ship your belongings with other shipments.

Furthermore, check to ensure that you are hiring a licensed and insured moving company, not a rogue mover. Scam movers are usually easily found because of the ridiculously cheap prices they offer.

Check up to find out if they are licensed by using their USDOT number in the FMCSA’s database, ensure to also check if they are properly insured. For the safety of your belongings, It is also important to ask for documentation proving their license and insurance.

Finalize Packing

A few days to the day of your move, empty your freezer by eating as much as you can from it and avoid visiting the grocery store to avoid wastage. It could take days or weeks before your movers deliver your things, you will need some items before they come.

To avoid being stranded, ensure to pack a change of clothes for you and every member of the family, as well as toothbrushes, toiletries, medicines, trash bags, extra shoes, and towels.

It is also advisable to pack foldable chairs and inflatable mattresses, and blankets to use before the arrival of your furniture and beds. After packing all that you need, take time to clean out the house for the next occupants.

Create a pathway void of boxes or trash to make it easy for cross-country movers to easily move items from your home, you can also keep the doors open by using door stops or bricks.

Take Note of The Condition of Your Items

While packing your items, it is advisable to take videos or pictures of them to document the condition they were in at the beginning of your move. This will serve as evidence of them being mishandled by the movers if any of your items are damaged when they arrive.

You can use the videos or pictures when filing a complaint or seeking compensation for your damaged belongings.

Host a Going Away Party 

One of the hardest parts of moving to a new state is leaving family and friends behind. Saying goodbye is never easy; however, leaving without saying goodbye can be heartbreaking.

Nevertheless, meeting with everyone one-on-one can be difficult due to time constraints, as such, you can organize a get-together to say goodbye to your loved ones, colleagues, and neighbors.

This can be as casual as meeting at the park or as formal as handing out invites, taking the time to hire caterers and decorators to beautify a friend’s home since yours will be filled with boxes.

During the event, take time out to give a speech on how much their love and friendship have meant (and still mean) to you, chip in funny experiences, and toast to an exciting future.

You can keep a blank book open in front, for your guests to share their thoughts and advice. This can be a good way to listen to what everyone has to say without them having to stand up and talk. The book will also serve as a gift to remind you of how much you are loved.


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