Preparing Your Home for a Luxurious Holiday Celebration

Preparing Your Home for a Luxurious Holiday Celebration

You’re known for your lavish parties and refined taste, so you can’t disappoint when it comes to the holiday season. But if you wait until the last minute, you may be stuck with leftover decorations, tacky table settings, or nothing at all. That’s why it’s time to start planning now. Here are a few things you should prepare ahead of time for a picture-perfect holiday celebration, whether it is for Thanksgiving or Christmas. 

Decide on the Theme

If your theme is for Christmas, do you want your home to be a winter wonderland full of snow, icicles, and shimmery silver decor? Or do you want it to be Santa’s workshop full of bright colors, toys, and candy cane stripes? Whatever theme you go with, it should influence the rest of your choices, from the decor to the food. Your guests won’t forget it anytime soon. Look at the many collections available at Decorator’s Warehouse that will meet all your needs for the theme you choose.

Make an Immediate Statement

The outside of your house is where the celebration begins. If you’re going with a religious Christmas theme, set up a nativity scene in your front yard with Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the wise men, and all the other important figures. Make the outside of your home look like a stable, and use soft lights to line your walkway. Another option for your outdoor decorations that will make an immediate statement is to make your home look like a giant gingerbread house. Line every roof tile with white lights to look like icing. Line your walkway with faux gumdrops and giant candy canes.

This type of dedication to your theme takes time, so you need to start planning now. Chart out what your home will look like, and start making a list of supplies you’ll need to execute your plan. Be sure to start putting out your decorations with enough time to get everything done without a lot of stress.

Order Christmas ham online to ensure you have the centerpiece of your holiday feast ready in advance.

Deck the Halls

Now it’s time for your indoor decorations. These can be a little bit more difficult to choose because you have a lot of options and decisions to make. Once you’ve chosen your theme, settle on a color scheme that complements it. For all of your decorations, from wreaths to tree ornaments, make sure they fall within that scheme so every room goes together and feels like it’s part of the celebration. Give yourself plenty of time to search your favorite home decor sites for the perfect decor items. The sooner you start, the more time you have to look, and you can be sure that you won’t miss out on special items or limited-time offers. Starting early also gives you the ability to move furniture and decorations around until they look perfect.

Prepare the Meal

What is a luxurious holiday celebration without copious amounts of delicious food? Plan your menu well ahead of time so you can try new recipes and have everything prepared in time. While you can’t go wrong with a traditional Christmas turkey or ham, you may want to spice things up depending on your theme this year. Serve your guests a beautiful plate of seafood and vegetables, or go for something more exotic, such as a classic Mediterranean meal from Jerusalem. And don’t skimp on dessert. Give yourself plenty of time to bake delicious pies, brownies, fudge, gingerbread cookies, and other sweet treats.

There’s no time to waste when it comes to the holidays. Your guests expect a lot from you, so you better start planning. The last thing you want is to run out of time and be stressed when the big day arrives.


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