If you buy property in low-lying flood-prone areas or along the coast, one day, you may be in the unfortunate position of discovering that dealing with water damage might be an unavoidable part of being a homeowner in that area. In places such as Florida, it is not uncommon for homeowners to find themselves Googling things such as “hurricane proofing Panama City,” “leaky basement repair Miami,” or “water damage Boca Raton.” So, what do you do when the unthinkable happens, and you find yourself with water damage to your home? Well, if it’s a minor situation, then you will no doubt want to deal with it yourself, but if something major happens, then, you will need to call in the professionals.
Whether you just bought your first house, or you have owned the coastal property for decades, dealing with water damage can be a frustrating reality of being a real estate owner. However, if you act fast when a problem strikes, you can minimize the damage to your property, saving you time and money to spend on doing the things you enjoy.
Here are some important tips to consider when shopping around for a Water Extraction Company to do water damage restoration and repair services for you:
1. Don’t Wait for Visible Signs
One mistake that many new homeowners make when dealing with water damage is not acting fast enough. You don’t have to wait until a hurricane blows through town and leaves your house submerged in water. Did you know that even a small A/C leak can lead to gallons of water slowly dripping into the subfloor under your floor? If you fear that your property has suffered water damage, get it checked out right away. The longer you wait, the more it will cost to fix the problem. In the case of mold growth, this also could mean potential health problems for anyone who has prolonged exposure to it. This is especially if they have allergies or a pre-existing condition. There should be several choices among the companies in your local listings that offer free quotes on their services. You don’t even have to open up your pocketbook to earn yourself some peace of mind.
2. Get an Assessment
As we just mentioned, many companies offer free quotes to come and check out the extent of damage to your home. It is important to get a quality assessment before work is carried out on your house because they’re the type of water damage can affect the price of the services you need. Does your carpeting need replacement because of rainwater that fell through a leaky roof? Has a busted sewage pipe caused harmful molds to grow inside your walls? There are other factors to consider as well. For example, you may have antique wooden floors that you would be willing to pay extra to salvage. Or, you may have a brand-new condo, and it may be cheaper just to replace the entire area that has been affected. It is important to get whatever company you choose to break down their service plan. That way, you can decide for yourself if every step is worth your investment of time and money.
3. Protect Your Home from Future Risks
So, you have identified water damage in your home. You found the appropriate service company in your area to address the issue. Your basement is dry, and your home is mold-free. Now it’s time to hit the beach and have some fun in the sun, right? Not quite. It’s always great to celebrate taking care of an issue in your home. However, just because you have taken care of a problem once doesn’t always mean it won’t come back again. If you live somewhere close to the ocean that is prone to flooding and tropical storms, there’s a good chance that flooding or water damage will occur again in the future. Hurricane season might be over this year, but it can be a smart investment to look into flood prevention and repair services and insurance coverage. This will protect you from having to go through all the costly steps of repairing your home again the next time a major storm blows into town.