So, you’ve found the perfect home. The only problem is, all that perfect furniture and artwork that was there when you first saw it has gone back to the stager and you’re left at square one, forced to piece together a place that feels cohesive and fully furnished or stare at blank walls for the foreseeable future.
Fortunately, hiring an interior decorator to do the legwork for you can make things significantly easier in some ways, reducing the burden on your time and energy. However, in other cases, adding a decorator can quickly become a “too many cooks in the kitchen” situation. Does that mean you should just suck it up and do it all yourself?
Read on to find out if hiring a decorator is right for you.
Pro – You save time
Time is a finite resource, and, for most of us, an extremely valuable one, as well. Unless you’re also a professional decorator or aspire to be one, finding the time to execute a design plan at home will cost you tons of time that could be spent with your family, at work, or enjoying any of your favorite leisure activities.
Con – It can cost you
Time is a finite resource, but money is, too. Hiring a decorator can mean spending thousands of dollars to have someone else tell you what looks good in your home, when you may already have more than a few ideas of your own on the subject.
Pro – The heavy lifting is done for you
A decorator does so much more than just shop for you — they scour estate sales and auctions, hire contractors, and come up with a cohesive plan for your space that might be difficult to achieve should you try to do it alone. In New York City, luxury buildings like 101 West 78th Street, have even attracted top-tier talent, like designer Stephen Sills, who has crafted spaces like London’s Connaught Hotel and the Vera Wang bridal boutique, to shape their interiors.
In most instances the pros far outweigh the cons of hiring an interior decorator to get a home ready for your big move. They can add style and substance to create highly functional spaces transformed with beautiful elements that perfectly compliment your personal style.