Shoe Mistakes That Lead To Foot Pain – How To Overcome The Pain

Shoe Mistakes That Lead To Foot Pain - How To Overcome The Pain

If you have been on the dance floor in high heels, you know how your foot starts to hurt. It holds for individuals who have special conditions. Poor pair of shoes may result in a lot of pain and inflammation. From exercise shoes to weekend running pairs, there are several options that you will get in the market. However, you need to know the characteristics of good quality issues and be careful when selecting shoes.

Run with your new shoes

First and foremost, you must run with your new shoes before putting them in the closet. The feet may only get the necessary support if you do. Your feet require proper comfort and support from the shoes. While walking, standing, running, or doing everything else, you need adequate comfort. The complex body part comprises 26 bones and 33 joints.

Recent studies show that people in the western world are suffering from a condition known as plantar fasciitis. It is a condition where you start experiencing pain and inflammation below your feet. Along with this, there are multiple ligaments and tendons along with muscles. Improper support may result in this kind of condition. So what can you do?

Measure your feet

Yes, you heard it right. Measuring the feet is very important before you purchase the shoes. With age, some tendons and ligaments will become lost. It is because of body weight and gravity. Significant weight fluctuations like increasing weight and pregnancy may change the shoe size. 

Before you purchase a new pair, you need to understand your physical condition and what suits you better. You may go for comfortable shoes, which are long-lasting at the same time. The problem becomes even more severe if you have conditions like type one or type2 diabetes, the situation becomes even more severe.

Understand the feet arches

Yes, it is vital to understand the arches. Doctors and physical therapists may help you know your type. Generally speaking, you have two categories of feet, one is low-arched, and the second is high-arched. 

Each of these feet requires a different kind of support. For someone, flat shoes may be necessary, while others may go for a little bit of heel. However, a pencil heel is never an option. If you go for highly curved shoes, you will need more support. Visit for a better understanding of your feet type. Chat with your doctor to understand your physical condition and what shoes will be best for you.

Go for appropriate shoes

Yes, only cute-looking shoes will not help you stay comfy. If you are going for high-heeled shoes, they might be uncomfortable. It would help if you explored the different options available in town. The shoes need to match the activity. Only checking the shoes with your attire is not the end of the game. Along with this, the cushioning effect and support are very significant. It means that low heels and soft shoes are vital. Remember that you are putting your entire weight on your shoes. You need high-quality shoes that help you with arch support and shock absorption features. Shoes must be appropriate as per the activity you perform.


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