The Ultimate Guide To Saving A Fortune On Heating & Cooling

The Ultimate Guide To Saving A Fortune On Heating & Cooling

As inflation rises, homeowners are on the lookout for ways to save money. Homeowners may be aware that they can slash their lighting bill in half, but can they also reduce the cost of heating and cooling? Absolutely! In fact, there are plenty of ways to save a fortune on HVAC at home.

10 Ways to Lower Your Heating and Cooling Bills at Home

Heating and cooling systems use more energy and cost more money than any other system in your home. You can lower Co2 emissions and your bill every month by doing the following.

1. Adjust Your Manual or Smart Thermostat

It’s recommended to keep your thermostat at a maximum of 68 degrees. If you have a smart thermostat, you can turn down the temperature to 61 degrees before you go to bed. By doing these two things, you can save $18 or more per month on your heating and cooling bills.

2. Lower Your Thermostat During Peak Hours

It costs more to run your HVAC system during peak hours. In the summer, peak hours last from noon to 6 PM. In the winter, there are two peak hours: between 6 AM and 9 AM and between 5 PM and 9 PM. If you need to heat or cool your home quickly, do it during off-peak hours.

Another solution for saving money during peak hours is switching off completely. Homeowners like to buy a common residential propane gas tank that powers heating systems, water heaters, and other appliances during the winter months. This approach has been gaining popularity due to its affordability. While using the same tank for heating and cooking, you can also apply the same principle by turning off your HVAC system during peak hours.

3. Purchase an Efficient Furnace and AC

If you’re in need of a new furnace or air conditioner, choose one that carries the Energy Star seal. Not only will your high-efficiency system save you money over time, but certain energy companies will offer you a green rebate. Buy a high-quality unit so it stays efficient longer.

4. Consider Switching Your Utility Company 

Depending on the type of system you own, your gas, electricity, and water bills are affected by your heating and cooling system. Many utility companies will offer a lower monthly rate to entice you to switch over. If you find a great deal, you could save hundreds of dollars a month.

5. Service Your HVAC Systems Regularly

Homeowners typically forgo HVAC inspections to save money, but you’re shooting yourself in the foot. HVAC companies can check for problems that may be affecting your system. If you catch an issue early, you’ll avoid paying a higher bill in the future.

6. Replace Your Air Filter Every 3 Months

HVAC systems use air filters to remove dust, dirt, and debris from entering the home. However, these get dirty quickly. At the 4-month mark, your system won’t be able to filter out as many pollutants. To keep your system running smoothly, replace the air filter every three months.

7. Control Where the Air is Delivered

To maximize the delivery of heat and cool air indoors, close interior doors, use dampers to redirect air and use small fans or space heaters for individual rooms. Since heat is distributed unevenly in 2-story homes, these tips will help you get the most out of your HVAC system.

8. Reduce Air Loss From Inside the Home

Approximately 70% of the air in your home escapes via your walls, roof, and windows. You can keep more air inside the home by weatherstripping doors and windows, upgrading insulation, and turning off ventilation fans. If you have a chimney you’re not using, close the flue.

9. Close the Curtains in the Summer

The sun can quickly heat up your home, which is great if you’re in the middle of a cold winter snap. But in the summer, the sun’s rays can affect the efficiency of your air conditioning unit. Unless you have a UV film on your window, close the curtains when the sun is at its strongest.

10. Maximize Your Heating and Cooling System

Homeowners should inspect specific parts of their heating and cooling system regularly to ensure it’s clean and unobstructed. If you have an outdoor unit, make sure the fins are clean, and the area around the system is free of debris. Clean the evaporator coil and drain yearly.


Homeowners can save money on their heating and cooling if they take good care of their HVAC systems and reduce air loss from inside the home. It also helps to have a smart thermostat and an efficient furnace or AC unit. If that’s not possible, you can switch your utility provider.


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