In order to know which Certification would be the best for you, it is imperative that you acquire proper knowledge about both the Certification, like what are the exam requirements and what are the benefits of obtaining the same.
The PMI (Project Management Institute) urbanized the Project Management Professional certification in 1984 as well as it has become the gold standard of project managers around the earth. It would be recognized across multiple industries as well as in many countries and is considered to be a professional credential for project managers.
As per PMI, “The PMP (Project Management Professional) is the world’s prominent project management certification. Now comprising predictive, agile, as well as hybrid approaches, the PMP would be able to prove project leadership experience as well as expertise in any way of working. It would be supercharging careers for project leaders across industries as well as helps organizations find the people they would require to work smarter as well as perform better.”
For being certified with PMP, you are required to possess the necessary prerequisites, clear the PMP exam, as well as earn 60 PDUs every three years for maintaining your status.
In 2003, PMI urbanized its CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) qualification. It is considered to be an entry-level certification for project managers. It would be able to allow those who possess less experience for demonstrating their familiarity with the body of knowledge, processes, as well as terminology of the project management profession.
As per PMI, “Nevertheless of the stage of your career, the CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) is considered to be an advantage that would be distinguishing you in the job market as well as enhancing your effectiveness and credibility working on or with project teams.”
This certification is going to require reduced preconditions as well as an capability than the PMP certification, and so is believed to be quite ideal for those who wouldn’t be quite as advanced in the field.
Comparison of Exams
The PMP certification is assimilated by going through an exam with questions that are based largely on the most current version of the PMBOK Guide (Project Management Body of Knowledge) as well as the Agile Practice Guide, as well as project management knowledge as per your level of experience. It is believed by most to be a fairly difficult exam, as well as lots of them find that taking a course for preparing for the exam would be the best way for ensuring to pass.
The Exam:
- 180 questions.
- The latest PMP exam would have several varieties of questions – matching, single selection, multiple selections, as well as hot spot type of questions, which would be making the exam more complex.
- 5 of the 180 questions are sample items utilized for research purposes as well as aren’t counted toward the final score.
- A 230-minute time limit in which for completing the exam.
- Cost: $405 for all the members, $555 for all the non-members.
- Closed book: no reference materials would be allowed in the exam.
- The exam is going to tests knowledge as well as experience in both agile and traditional approaches to project management.
The CAPM certification is obtained by taking an exam as well, but the exam is considered to be quite shorter and less difficult than that of the PMP exam. Like the PMP exam, it too would be having questions based on the most current version of the PMBOK Guide.
The Exam:
- 150 multiple-choice questions
- A total time of 3 hours in which to complete the exam
- Cost: $225 for all the members, $300 for all the non-members
- Closed book: no reference materials would be allowed in this exam too
- Content on the basis of chapters 3 to 13 of the PMBOK Guide.
PMI would have changed the recertification requirements for CAPM currently in 2021. You could now be able to renew the CAPM certification by possessing the 15 professional development units (PDUs). Picking CAPM vs PMP could be just boiled down to which one you are going to qualify for.
Comparing Benefits
The PMP credential could be exceedingly advantageous to your career as a project manager. Project managers are considered to be in high demand across a broad range of industries, as well as adding PMP certification to your resume would be making you stand out against other project managers. Project managers with certification would be possessing a higher earning potential than those who are without it. They would also possess a better job opportunity, as well as access to a large network of other certified project managers.
Perhaps most importantly, PMP certification would be able to enable you to be a better project manager. The process of earning it would be able to fine-tune your skills and knowledge and ensure you having everything you are required to lead a project. This means that you would be able to be more prepared for challenges that are going to come your way, as well as have long-term job security as one of the prominent in your field.
While the CAPM reimbursements aren’t quite as widespread as the PMP remunerations, it would be still an incredibly helpful certification, as well as definitely worth the investment and time if you would be deciding this is the certification for you. First, if your definitive goal would be to take as well as clear the PMP exam, CAPM would be setting you on the right course for comprehending this.
It would be establishing your credibility with potential employers, as well as increases your potential for the on-the-job experience required to qualify for the PMP exam. Second, with PMP certification, CAPM certification would only be able to provide the increment to your knowledge as well as an understanding of the field, which would make you a better project manager, whether you would be going on to pursue PMP certification or not.
As you could observe, both PMP certification, as well as CAPM certification, are considered to be quite valuable assets for project managers for pursuing and attaining to further their careers as well as increase their knowledge of project management. Whichever you select, you could obtain the same with the help of SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps and SPOTO CAPM Exam Dumps. These dumps are formulated by Experts possessing more than 17 years of experience and hence are believed to be the best resource for exam preparation.