Why You Need to Get a Water Filter for Your Home Well

Why You Need to Get a Water Filter for Your Home Well

Water pipe infrastructure has not reached every household on the planet, especially in rural areas. Many turn to other means of accessing water. Private drinking water wells are the only water source for many households. The sustainability that comes with using your own water well is one of the advantages that are brought with it.

There are however some things to consider when making use of well water. Treatment facilities that regulate tap water are not in use at a well, so it falls on each individual to process and treat their own water. Suitable well water treatment systems can help with many issues that may arise.

Reduce Sediment

Wells have their main water source deep in the ground, so quantities of sediment will inevitably make their way into the water as you take it out. Sediment usually contains fragments of dirt, sand, silt, and organic particles of plants. Sediment may occur in well water as cloudiness or even color debris, which may or may not deposit at the bottom of containers. Visible particulates like these are called suspended solids and are very easy to spot indicators of contamination early on. 

While microscopic levels of these particulates may not pose any danger, larger amounts can cause sickness. Therefore, removing sediment is essential to obtain clean water as well as to protect household appliances. Water filters that physically filter out solids are often equipped with mesh membranes to slowly sift the water and capture residue. 

Reducing Well Water Contaminants

Location is the most decisive factor in the amount of contamination well water contains. Some areas are more tarnished than others. The presence of chemical contaminants in the water is not only caused by human-induced pollution as many harmful substances are already present in nature. 

Arsenic is one such naturally occurring impurity. Sulfur is another and while it may not pose a serious threat, it usually imbues the water with its smell, commonly described as rotten eggs

The farming industry is also a source of chemical contaminants that very easily seep through the ground and end up polluting freshwater sources. Some of those sources can even be private wells. 

Implementing well water treatment systems can efficiently and affordably clean water. 

Removing Heavy Metals

Besides chemical contaminants, heavy metals also find their way into wells. Their presence can be a cause for concern as they could be a threat to your health. Regular water tests need to be conducted to find out exactly what may be contaminating well water. It is important to use tests specifically oriented to detect certain contaminants like arsenic, mercury, radon, chromium, and others.

Even deep down in the ground, water can still come into contact with contaminants. Testing will provide a suitable guide for choosing the perfect water filtration system. Also, levels of contamination do not stay the same and testing will indicate any changes.

By using the right well water filter, heavy metals contained in the water will significantly be reduced.

Eliminate Pathogens

Filtering water is crucial to treat and prevent bacteria or parasites from your drinking water supply. Microscopic parasites can cause health problems when exposed to drinking contaminated water. Passing water through a system that is explicitly designed for this type of treatment will effectively eliminate these. 

Using a well will require implementing specific water filters to clean out any pathogens. Typically, water filters that employ activated carbon are the most well-known to be used for taking out bacteria, but extra measures will be needed for smaller pathogens like viruses.

Improved Taste and Smell

Occasionally well water can develop an unpleasant smell and taste, especially older wells. It is not comparable with sewage water but it can still put many off drinking it. This can change from season to season or if the water has stayed in a storage tank for a while. Daily consumption can therefore be affected. There is no one explanation for why this happens – many things can affect the taste and smell of your water well. 

When investing in a high-quality water filter, taste and smell are one thing to cross off the list, as many do in fact offer improvements in that regard.

What Each Method of Filtration Removes

There are numerous types of filtration systems, each with its own methodology.

Access to this variety of filtration systems may look a little intimidating. But it is also useful as they can be rigged in tandem for extra layers of filtration.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis filters are most commonly known to remove heavy metals and fluoride. Water usually gets sifted through a semipermeable membrane at high pressure and heavy metals are thus removed.


Ultraviolet light filters are excellent when it comes to sanitizing water and killing any bacteria. UV filters are also extremely easy to maintain, requiring very little upkeep, especially with a ceramic water filter Australia offers.

Resin Filters

Resin-based water filters are highly efficient at eliminating iron and offer a longer-lasting efficiency while assuring sufficient water flow. 


Water ionizers are a method of filtration that targets very specific contaminants in well water. After the water has been tested, different kinds of brands can clean certain compounds, while also taking out pesticides and insecticides. Water ionizers use an electrical charge to treat water, with consistent efficiency.


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