Have you ever wondered why your bathroom smells so often or why your kitchen looks dingy? Ever noticed a strange expression on your guests’ faces when they visit your home? Yes, we’re talking about ugly elements that ruin your home’s looks and are a cause of constant embarrassment.
If you haven’t yet, it’s time to address the elephant in the room. We have listed down nine reasons why your home looks ugly. This will help you rectify all the pain-points of your home’s decor, so that you and your guests enjoy a pleasant time in your beautiful home. Have a look:
The Usual Clutter
This is the first step in getting things back in order. Start with the scattered pieces and accessories and place them where they belong. You may feel lazy in doing so, but it will be worth the effort. When things are placed where they belong, your home looks more organized, and you’ll feel better looking at it.
Do Away With Fluorescent Lights
Lighting majorly decides a home’s vibes, along with the colors. If you have fluorescent lights in your home, there are several reasons for changing them. One, they increase your energy bills. Two, these lights trigger stress hormones in us, according to some research. This can upset our biorhythms, disrupting the fresh vibe of your home. Moreover, they also emit a lot of heat, taking away the surroundings’ coolness that relaxes you.
We’d rather suggest installing your lamps with energy-efficient halogen globes. You can also install LED lights in your living room and Christmas lights in your bedroom. These don’t cost much and do a fantastic job of properly lighting your home.
Uncomfortable Colors
Like lighting, colors also determine your home’s overall vibe. While having bolder colors is good, there’s a fine difference between ‘bold’ and ‘uncomfortabe’ colors. You don’t want your guests to say “ouch, these colors hurt”, when you actually want to hear, “wow, nice colors.” Moreover, if your wall-paint seems to be deteriorating, consider getting a fresh coat. It can add a fresh tinge of freshness to your home’s overall look.
Dusty Windows
Stained and shabby windows can block the sunlight entering your rooms and ruin the overall look of your home. Make sure the hinges of your windows are properly oiled and the sills are regularly cleaned. Don’t forget to clean the window curtains. Dusty curtains are easy to spot and can spoil your home’s overall look.
Poorly Maintained or Outdated Bed
Your bed is one of the most important elements of your room. It is the place where you retire at night after a long day’s work. A cozy and functional bed is a non-negotiable element of your home. Make sure that your bed’s mattress and its structure is fine. If it hinges are making noises, or it’s too shaky, consider purchasing a new one. You can also opt for folding beds if you want to utilize your space smartly.
Dirty Rugs
Remember why you purchased that beautiful looking rug in your living room, basically to add sophistication and elegance to its look. Remember how proud you used to be, and how you wonder if it could look like new again. Well, you can clean a rug to look brand new. If you don’t know how to do it yourself, connect with a professional cleaning service. Your rug will thank you for cleaning it, adding a sense of luxury to your room it deserves.
Wrapping Up
Several things can make your home look ugly. It will take away your home’s charm and energy and won’t make you feel good about your own property. Considering you spend most of your time at your home, you must eliminate the elements that make your home ugly. Use the tips mentioned in this article to ensure that your home looks amazing all the time.